For background information and ideas about pycdep read the techno gems blog.
Pycdep is an include file dependency analyzer. It consists of a python script that goes over the C and C++ files and extracts dependency information from it. The dependency information is saved as a prolog program. The prolog program can be used to perform all kinds of analyses on the dependency graph, and to convert the dependency graph (or subsets thereof) to a .dot file. It comes with a lot of predefined queries.
There’s also an experimental chat bot implementation that can answer some of your questions about the code base being examined.
The whole system is intended to be cross-platform. That means that we need to deal with filename case (in)sensitivity issues. In particular, on linux systems we want to be able to examine windows code, and vice versa (as far as possible). The usage of upper and lower case in code written for windows systems is often sloppy, whereas for code intended for to be compiled on case sensitive filesystems the difference in case could (in principle) point to a different file.
At the very least you will need to install:
if you are using the debian package of SWI prolog, you don’t have the plunit unit test library. You can install it from source. You only need it if you want to run the unit tests contained in
You can visit the project page: